We Were Pissed, So we did something about it
How It Started
We started with humble beginnings has a grassroots effort in Texas to raise money for abortion funds, but quickly realized our reach was far beyond our Texas boards. Give A Damn! takes all of our activism spirit and drive from the F*ck Greg Abbott merch project to a national audience.

Teej + Miranda Meet
The Original Groovy F*ck Greg Abbott Art
Pissed off from Greg Abbott's recent annoucement, Teej was fired up and ready to take action. Settling on the idea to launch "fuck you" merch, she brought in Miranda to hand-illustrative the original F*ck Greg Abbott t-shirt design (which she absolutely killed) and we launched www.fckgregabbott.com.

Lucy Dacus Houston Show
Small, Grassroots Beginnings
Indie darling, Lucy Dacus, caught wind of the project and the night of our website launch invited us to table at her Houston show. We completely sold out (to the point we couldn't even fulfill online orders) and we knew we had begun a (micro) revolution.

Houstonians Hate Abbott
Supporting Texas Abortion Funds
As Fall of 2021 progressed, we continued to pop up at Houston shows for artists like Manchester Orchestra, Foxing, Caroline Rose, Mannequin Pussy, Chloe Moriondo and others. Within a month of being open we were able to donate $6,000 to Lilith Fund (Texas based aboriton fund).

Texas' Regularly Scheduled Bullshit
Abbott Continues to Be a Piece of Shit
In late February 2022, Greg Abbott was still up to his regualrly scheduled fuckery with a directive coming out of his office targeting trans kids in Texas. Of course, we stepped up to protest and fundraise by adding a line of "Protect Trans Kids" merch and adding TENT (Transgender Education of Texas) as one of our benefactors.

Overline text
Icon & Babe, Dev, Joins the team
In the Spring of 2022 I asked the wonderful Dev if they would join the team to help run our social media. They *killed* it and our audience was rapidly growing. It became increasingly apparent that people outside of Texas (at the time 45% of orders were going out of state) had interest in what we were doing and the idea to re-brand to Give a Damn! began.

Idaho Needed US
Befriending NWAA Fund
Idaho mimics Texas' 6 week aboriton ban and we knew the Northwest Abortin Access Fund that services Idaho, Washingotn, Oregon and Alaska needed all the help they could get. We dropepd our "Support Your Local Abortion Fund" T-shirt to fundrasie for them. <3

florida starts acting a fool
Following Greggy's lead, Gov. DeSantis of Florida starts targeting queer children with his "Don't Say Gay" efforts. We, of course, aren't having any of his bullshit. We launch a Say Gay! collection and support LGBTQ+ efforts in Florida thorugh Equality Florida.

Abort The Court Goes Viral
The Tik Tok Pop Off
Dev and Teej had been casually playing around posting Tik Toks for a few weeks. On June 24th, hours after SCOTUS overturend Roe v. Wade, we posted a Tik Tok of our "abort the court" hats bing produced. 1.6 millions views later we were abel to donate $100,000 from the sales of these viral hats.

Give A Damn is born
In July of 2022, we close down www.fckgregabbott.com and take a little break after our wildly successful and busy summer fundraising for abortion access. After a brief hiatus, we relaunched as Give A Damn!-our way of taking our small merch project to the national level.
We can't wait for what's next. <3